VIP Lifetime Member
Hey I was putting my rear suspension in, well I had it in, and it was all bound up. I measured and measured, and found that I had my rear mount holes back 20mm to far, and it looked like the rear shock stop suspension travel. Does this sound possible to anyone. it worked fine when I took it out. I am going to move the rear holes forward if anyone else thinks this could be the cause. Thanks Maxdlx
New member
Very possible especially if you are dropping the rear mount. As the rear mount point drops, it actually arcs slightly toward the front of the sled, keeping the same distance from the front mount at the same time. Kinda like a pie, warm apple pie......
New member
Could your FRA and rear shock be collapsed forward instead being 'up' (small idlers should be on top)? This happened to mine just prior to putting it in and I didn't realize it until I was trying to remount it.????