Contacting YAMAHA?


New member
Mar 25, 2005
Does anyone have the e-mail link or phone number to contact YAMAHA about issues? I didn't see it in the main website. Thanx for any input..

hard to get ahold of them for that reason man, mostly try to listen politely but don't really bother to hide the fact that if they're gonna make it, they would have done it anyways. your area sales rep for the snowmobile division is probably the best guy to get ahold of for that. He'll know if there's a reason they're not doing it already, and if he thinks it's a good idea he'll pass it up to the head of snowmobiles usa, and to the R&D boys/japan. I'll see if I can dig you up some contact info.
yamaha help

if you have a good idea send a letter to the test center R & D they are located nother wisconsin in monoqua atten Jim kedinger he his charge of snowmombile test there hope this helps.
I worked for Japanese companies for years and there's one thing I learned; they think they know what the American market needs better than the American market does.
Typical response will be (if you actually get a body to talk to) is to smile and say yes, yes yes. Translation no no no.
I've walked out of 4 hour meetings doing power point dog and pony shows, charts, graphs, 8 x 10 color glossy photos with descriptions on the back of each one.... thinking from the response, that we had convinced the powers that be we had an opportunity to gain market share and improve margins, only to be met with silence from then on while our compeatitors seized the opportunity and kicked our asses.
