I have an 02 viper and a 00 SXR700. I want to change the chaincase fluid on both before this season. Can some one detail on how to do it? I Have never done this before and just want to make sure I do it correctly.
Drain bolt is accessible from inside the tunnel behind the chaincase. The entire procedure is in the tech pages.
i can't find it on the tech pages.
It is pretty simople. Inside the tunnel on the chaincase side, there is a bolt, 12mm wrench, that you need to remove. Have a pan under it cause the oil will start to drain when you pull the plug. If you pull the dip stick out it will drain a little faster. Let it drain for 1/2 to 1 hour. Put the plug back in and then top off woth 8.5 oz'z of gear lube of choice, and check the level on the dipstick. Chaincase oil changed. Maxdlx
Sorry, I thought it was on the Tech Pages but maybe it was just in a post a year or 2 back. When you have it drained out it is a really good time to pull the cover off and check the chain and gears out. A reuseable rubber gasket makes this very painless, just have a few disposable rags in place to catch any residual oil and clean out the bottom of the chaincase. Although these are very durable, gears and chain can be a lot cheaper to replace before they blow. When they blow other things can get in the way.
New member
I have a 1997 Sx 600 sounds like the same way on mine as yours but the other day after it was drained I just took off the cover to realy get a good look! and that little magnet on the dip stick does not come close to getting all the shavings out or draining it! now I know all that crap is out of there & was able to check all the gears and the bearing!
Sometimes you guys make this cloudy sounding...
On my SRX, the drain plug is accessible from UNDERNEATH the sled, on the bottom of the belly pan. There is a hole directly under the chaincase, where you can remove the plug and all the fluid will drain out into a container placed under this hole.
On my SRX, the drain plug is accessible from UNDERNEATH the sled, on the bottom of the belly pan. There is a hole directly under the chaincase, where you can remove the plug and all the fluid will drain out into a container placed under this hole.