Changing oil


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2003
Northern, IL
I am changing oil this year from yamalube to Amsoil. Do you guys know if you can mix the two? I am wondering if it is any big deal if I leave a quart of yamalube in the tank when topping it off with the new amsoil.

snowdust said:
I am changing oil this year from yamalube to Amsoil. Do you guys know if you can mix the two? I am wondering if it is any big deal if I leave a quart of yamalube in the tank when topping it off with the new amsoil.
It will not hurt a thing, Amsoil is compatable with other 2 stroke oils. That being said I will contradict myself here, I try to make it a habit to use/drain most of the old stuff prior to changing over to synthetic. This is merely from being kinda anal about things and not something that you have to do. I have mixed other (name brand syn, OEM) oils plenty of times when my brand of choice is not available and have never had an issue.

I am sure there are many opinions on these out there!
most modern oils are compatible petroleum to syn and vise versa, when you come into problems is when switching to or from mineral vegtable based lubes to petroleum or syn. what i do when i switch is carry a quart of what you are switching to around with you while riding, when the oil light comes on, you have grace period or saftey margin, to run alittle more oil out of the tank. then add the new oil quart to get your self to the trailer or destination, then top it off. this way the current oil is at its lowest point and the two oils mixing are very minimal at best. dont let it get too low that there is no oil in the resivior or gaps in the oil pump lines, cause that will cause other problems. (need for bleeding lines ect...) when all done monitor your oil consumption, when going from thicker viscous oils (petroleum) to thinner (syn or semi syn) you may notice more consumption, in that case you will need to adjust the oil pump cable to compensate to use less oil. the reverse is true when going to thicker oils. ski
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