setting a yamaha sxr 500 up for sno-cross


New member
Oct 26, 2004
Setting a yamaha sxr 500 up for sno-cross. What kind clutching and gearing should I run. Also changes to suspension.
You could drop a tooth or 2 on the top sproket, or go up on the bottom. I'd think a little better than 2:1 overall ratio would be good.

As far as clutching goes...there are as many clutch set ups as there are riders!

I can give you my aggressive trail set up, and it will be good for just about any condition, but not perfect for snox.
8ab's, use enough rivet mass to keep rpms at 7700rpm. These are a great down low and midrange weight, love 'em! Stock primary spring with a couple shims will keep engagement around 4100rpm. If you need more, look for a spring with more preload and the same shift rate.

SEcondary: I run a 47/41 Dalton with the red spring for trails, boon docking and throttle jockeying I like the green spring at 60*, that'd probably be decent for snoxing.

Your absolute biggest concern should be the suspension! There are some tips in the tech section, scour it!

A member called freestyler snoxed stockish yamis, and really learned how to make them survive. There's some simple things he was doing that are cheap, and really help the longevity.

You don't want to bottom the skid much, if at all. W arms will break often if you race hard.

I'd run at least a Ripsaw track on that thing, if not a 1.5"er with smaller drivers.
C&A Pro skis are very hard to beat for availability and sharp turning.

Other than that, stay loose, hang on tight, and try not to get run over!
Good luck!
I am running a 2" paddle with smaller drives. custom built bulk head, and c&a pro skis.

Clutching is a constant change.
John, it's good to see you man, where'v you been?

family man, I Johns clutching seems close, that engagement is way to low for my taste (but I drag raced mine, so high engagement is important there), I went 8ab's 3.0 inner 4.5-5 outer, with a hauck blue primary spring. secondary a hauck silver with a 51-43

carburation notes I have are all for grass and pod filters, so it's no good for you.

suspension, I couldn't tell ya, I can make it hook up, but I doubt I could keep it from bottoming aswell as making it hook up. I'm a believer in the pro-action tho, does alot of things very well.
What I do have is limited

Both of pioneer performance clutch spings. yellow and blue,a 18t gear, dj weights with a bgb spring.

With lower gears do you think the sled would be better off with bu weights insted of ab weights.
I really like the proaction, I finally figured out how it all works and dialed in with the help of maxdlx (thanks bro)

Really thinking about putting the 2" paddle under the 600 tho. Wife runs the 500 and I set the clutch back to stock because she doesnt like the high rev'n.

The 2" paddle is nice for her tho, has not got stuck yet.

Son is ready for the 500, wife says the 600 is hers....guess it is time for DAD to get a 700 viper, or maybe yet a new rx-1..........mmmmmmmmmmm someone say turbo :ORC (just so I can stay with maxdlx :o| )
The most crucial thing I remember from Freestyler is putting some steel washers behind the track tension adjusting nuts. This keeps you from bending stuff when you land on the tail.

I'd much traction as you can, set the skid stiff enough not to bottom all over the place, and ride till you break something! Then fix it, wash and repeat.

Good luck, let us know how ya do!
