Thoughts on the Vip "S"


New member
Dec 28, 2003
Fairmont MN
I have an 02 Viper now - thought about purchasing a new ATTAK - however we do a great deal of ditch banging and my RX-1's have been too heavy! I found a new Vip "S" for around $5750-is it worth the $2k upgrade from my 02 Vip to the 04 "S"?

Thoughts are appreciated.

That depends on the condition of your '02. If you are gaining significantly in the mileage and/or condition area it is well worth it. You can always make the '02 into a Viper S or better (except DCS), but are going to approach the $2000 mark to do it.
have you tried any of the new sleds?? they really feel a LOT different than the old RX1. and always the nytro, also a good option with better suspension etc.
I have not...I had an 03 and 05 RX1 - not for me. I liked them both on the trail but they were to heavy for the ditch. I love my Vipers and dont want to spend the $9k for an Attak/RTX and not like it for my kind of riding conditions.

Has anyone riden them off trail? I fully anticipate the new Attak/RTX/GT APex to be great on the trail and lakes, however how do they ride in the ditch/aggressive trail riding scenarios?

If you're not thinking 4 stroke (and $8 to 10 Grand) in the next year or 2, I'd go for the "S"- For $2K it would be worth it, doesn't appear they'll make any more 2 strokes anytime soon and it is the best Viper out there by far...
have you done ANYTHING at all to your current viper? ripsaw track, rebuilt shocks or anything at all?
If your 02 has the re-valved shocks , I doubt you will notice a big dfference except for the ripsaw track. I, personally, am not overly impressed with the Ohlins front shocks on my Viper S. I did like the Ohlins on my srx, but I put the 02 re-valved Viper shocks on the srx,and it takes the nasty oddball moguls better than my S! Also, I bought my S in febuary of 04 and only payed 6150.00 for it then. Doesn't sound like there giving you that great of a deal!Buy a RipSaw and put Turks clutch set-up in it and ride it a couple more years, I think you'll like the improvement.
My current viper has an 1.25" track, studs, thin head gasket, engine tensioner, heelclicker clutching, low windshield, blue wheel kit....etc. I love the sled, however I get bored waiting for it to snow in MN. SO, I was planning on pulling off the extras and doing a new Vip - again, I have an Attak ordered, however was thinking of something lighter and less $.

Thanks for the comments.
hey snowmaan, good to see you at haydays, wish me and the cousin could have stayed around sat nite. i think you are right about the kind of riding you do and the sled of choice is the Vip. price on the Vip S seems steep, but then again don't see many around, by the way can't wait to take biffys f7 again.
with th emods you have, the only thing that the viper s has over you is the better gauge with handwarmers, ohlins and dcs. the ohlins are about the only thing you would be upgrading performance wise, so I would stay with what you have. I think the attak will be a great sled, although with the new skids I dont think the longer track is needed for anything other than playing in the deep stuff :)
Great to see you too Adam...I too enjoy "running with" the F7 - especially Biffy's. Not sure that I really ever did - his sled flat out flies. I am ready to get back on a sled that handles like the Vip and flies like the F7.

I will look for a way to change that this season...I have a few ideas.
Going to Rochester drags? Give me a call.
