I was thinking of pulling the carbs on my 02' Viper and going thru them for piece of mind. I figure they could use a good cleaning after 6,000 miles. The last time they were looked at was at 1,900 miles by a dealer for the previous owner. I also need to back out the fuel screws.
Can anyone recommed a carb sync tool that works well? I was going to have the dealer go through the carbs until they quoted me $400.00!
Thanks, G.B.
Can anyone recommed a carb sync tool that works well? I was going to have the dealer go through the carbs until they quoted me $400.00!
Thanks, G.B.
wow, try another dealer! mine does a preseason tuneup that includes cleaning the powervalves, clutches, and carb, as well as greasing everything and giving it a going through for like $120! I think the carb sync tools that hi performace engineering sell. www.hiperf.com is the site I think. not positive about quality, never used
Thanks 03viperguy for your repsonse. Preseason tunes up very at a couple dealers around me from $110 to $135. They will adjust the carbs but not take them apart for a cleanning as far as I know. I am still trying to figure out what I am going to do. I may pull the air box and drop the float bowls and see how they look.
Thanks, G.B.
Thanks, G.B.
I know high performance engineering sells them for around 35.00
pro, are those good quality? those were the ones I was thinking of, just wasnt sure they were good quality (because I dont know the difference!) I might get a set if they are worth it