Removing Seat On 1998 Srx


New member
Feb 24, 2005
London, Ontario
I know this must sound very stupid, but how do u remove the seat off a 1998 srx,? goin to install tunnel protectors and not sure how to go about this.> also will be installin front heat exchanger protectors and was wondering how to install them? I have the ones with the pin on the top and i assume its suppose to mount into a hole, but there isn't one on my sled? also the centre to centre spacing of the protectors should be the same as the skid rail and track clips? correct>??

thanks guys


Not a stupid question, but to take the seat off you need to..
1. Go into the back hatch and locate the two nuts one on each side
2. Remove the nuts (when you tighten them down be careful its just plastic I recomend putting a washer on the bolt when you reinstall)
3. Once you have removed the nuts unsnap the snaps on each side of the seat and remove the elastic band under the flap where it meats the gas tank.
4. Now your ready to remove the seat but becareful when pulling off there is a clip under it for your tail light. Unclip the harness and your good to pull it off.

When i put mine on i just pop riveted them from the top of the tunnel.
I dont know what yoru talking about with the front protectors. But yes you are correct space them out where the track clips are.

Hope this helped a little
thanks for the reply ,
i will start to take off the seat with your instructions. i 've installed the front protectors so that won't be a problem now, just drilled a hole in the frame.DONE!

Gas Tank Removal

Okay I Got The Seat Off Without Any Problems , Now How Do U Remove The Gas Tank To Put Rivets In For The Alumimun Tunnel Protectors?

You dont need to completely remove the gastank to get the front rivets in for the protectors, just need to get it loose enough to move out of the way. You need to remove the two bolts (one on each side of the tunnel) that hold the gastank to the dash/shroud plastic. Then under the hood you need to unbolt the oil tank from the gastank (one bolt). (You will need to pull the airbox). Then i believe there is one more bolt on the airbox side that needs to come out (it is a clamp, dont remember what it was holding). That should be enought to get it back out of the way to get the rivets in without disconnecting any fuel lines.
