Is there a known problem with Yamaha drive axles???


May 17, 2003
Lockport, Manitoba. Canada
Was reading posts on another site today and came across a post claiming 97-00 Yamaha's had faulty drive axles that are almost guaranteed to break....

I don't recall seeing this mentioned on this site.... Any substance to this claim??


It is true, they came out with a updated shaft in 2001. Also there is a problem with steering posts on the same years, but the mountain versions are more likely to break from pulling the sleds over on there sides.

I believe that the sx and moutain versions had "weak" axles the srx's can with a axle that was updated, I'm not sure if all models picked up the change. I'm pretty sure it was justa fillet change from the hex to the round portion. I put an srx axle in my sx because I wanted the four drivers. Jason
The old axles have a 45* chamfer at the surface from the speedo end bearing suface to the end of the axle. The updated axles have a 90* notch machined at the mating surface. This affects all sleds especially if you run transfer rods...........SRXtreme
