Larger Idler Wheels


May 26, 2003
New Liskeard, Ontario
I have been told to install polaris 5.35" idler wheels to improve hyfax wear and could increase speed, has any one else done this, and would i have to change all six wheels or just the front four to acheive this.....
Reaper, I did this on my RX1 and it did help a lot on hyfax wear. I replaced the 4 outside small wheels with yellow open wheels and also replaced the rear wheels with yellow open wheels in the stock diameter. Never ran this sled with the stock wheels, but when compared to my SXR there was a big difference in hyfax wear. I ended up replacing my skid with a expertx suspension. I have the yellow oversized and rear wheels offered to another forum member right now. If he doesn't want them, watch the forum for them to become available for sale.
On my srx i used Skidoo 5.38 wheels on the front four along with Benders wheel kit that mounts over the cross shaft bolt.The hyfax wore kinda quick to about halfway but then seems to have completly stoped wearing.I dont know about the speed but they do help the hyfax.
