New member
Is there anyway to fix the speedo so you get a proper speed or close to proper speed on a viper?
Supposedly YES, if you pull the speedo gear and grind off one tooth it will be within 2-3 mph on the top end.
I wanted to ask this same question because I want to know if it ONLY fixes the top end and now down low it will be off or if its close from 0-120mph. Anyone know???
I wanted to ask this same question because I want to know if it ONLY fixes the top end and now down low it will be off or if its close from 0-120mph. Anyone know???
New member
really all you need to do is grind off one tooth?????
grinding off a tooth..
thats what you do when you go to 8 tooth drivers, not for stock 9 tooth drivers
thats what you do when you go to 8 tooth drivers, not for stock 9 tooth drivers
New member
So with the stock drivers there is no way to fix this is there?
New member
Stock drivers you take one tooth off and its real close, in the whole range.
New member
Thanks 800
IS that your final awnser?
Doing some searching it looks like people have verfied the top speed with GPS with one tooth ground off and its around 2-3 mph accurate, which is impressive on snow and ice. I think I may do this, this winter. Anyone have a picture of what it should look like? Sounds simple enough I guess. Did Yamaha just not check the damn thing?

New member
yeah good idea, a picture could tell a lot of it.Does anyone a have pic???
New member
Just look at the pick-up wheel and you'll see it looks like the end of a splined shaft. Take it off and remove 1 of the splines. A cut off wheel works well. The whole speed thing is one issue, keep in mind if your speedo is reading 10% high so is your odometer.
800 said:The whole speed thing is one issue, keep in mind if your speedo is reading 10% high so is your odometer.
That is what gets me I'm 220 miles over what I should be

New member
Just wondering where is the pickup wheel, I'm a newbie at this and I have searched the online microfiche and I can't find it, so just wondering if I could get a quick explanation of where it is. Thanks
New member
here is a link with pics.
New member
The pics dont show up for me. Just a box there saying attached images, but the box is empty.
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There is more info in the tech pages/Tech tips
New member
I seen that in the tech pages, but I am not sure where that is located on the sled.
New member
Your jackshaft comes threw the tunnel under your clutch. Its bolted to the end of the jacksaft. There is a magnetic sensor bolted next to it that reads the teath. Reach under your clutch and you'll feel it.
It's #8

It's #8
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I think you pull the secondary off and its right there.
New member
Thanks you guys have been a great help!
Millinocket Rocket
New member
doesn't that make the readings on your speedo jump around?