New member
Has any one tried these super slippery slides or hyper fax? Do they work good? Do they add any MPH? Do they last a lot longer? Are they worth the $100+ dollars you spend on them?
Member & no. don't waste your $$$$. have tried them all. no difference on radar & doesn't wear any better. buy the oem sliders.
New member
Listen to bufalobob, he knows what he's talking about. Not worth the $$$$
New member
ok thanks guys
ok thanks guys
New member
Well guys, I bought a set from Bender, hope im not disapointed, should I drill holes in them like listed on the tech page??
tried that too. did nothing for speed or wear. don't waste your time.
I use the super slippery ones and like em. They are made from a harder material, I can tell when I plane them down for the grass drags. They do last longer than stockers when grass dragging. On the snow, I not sure if it makes a whole lot of difference. They don't seem to melt as easy when using mountain paddle tracks in low snow conditions.