Will a green spring in my secondary give me any gains if i leave everything else stock(04 viper s)?
A green will just hold back the secondary upshift & probably just raise rpm,s. In other words...using it alone will probably slow you down.
ok thanks turk,i tied the dalton 53/43 with the green spring and i lost the backshift that my stock set up had.I tried it at 60,70,80,90 degrees and say i was cruising at 40 mph and stab the brake then jump on the gas the sled would bog for a bit then pull hard.Currently with stock clutching it runs good but over revs to around 8900 rpm,im gonna try the 4.5 gram rivet on the inner hole like you suggest.
lost with that setup? I was going to give that a try, now I am not so sure. trail riding a stock 03 viper.........will have a ripsaw
New member
I think there is something wrong going on there,I have similar set up,and let me tell ya compared to a stock viper,night and day.
blueblodded, you still have the helix and green spring? if you dont want them are you willing to sell them? let me know, thanks 

I sold them
ahhh, o well 

yamvip said:I think there is something wrong going on there,I have similar set up,and let me tell ya compared to a stock viper,night and day.
Do you think my alignment could be off?
I was gonna buy one of those sled pro alignment tools that check center to center and offset.Anyone have one they want to sell?
Active member
You are loosing power at that RPM.
You can check the center to center and deflection without a clutch tool.
The offset is not easy without a tool. You can get in expensive tools to check offset, about $20.
It does not sound right that your stock set up is ok other then over reving but no backshift with the other set up when so many have success with it.
Check alighnment and also some binding in the clutches before you change any settings.
You can check the center to center and deflection without a clutch tool.
The offset is not easy without a tool. You can get in expensive tools to check offset, about $20.
It does not sound right that your stock set up is ok other then over reving but no backshift with the other set up when so many have success with it.
Check alighnment and also some binding in the clutches before you change any settings.
My buddy just ordered the sled pro alignment tool for his viper,i'll check mine this weekend.The sled only has around 1500 miles on it so i doubt the clutch is worn that bad.The sled runs fine with stock clutching,doesnt eat belts,clutches dont get hot,top end seems ok(118 mph indicated).Im baffled why the 53/43 set up didnt work for me.
do you have an engine torque limiter? might be a worth while investment