Yamaha Torque limiter and Center to Center


New member
Sep 17, 2003
Just installed the Yamaha Torque limiter and the center to center is a little short (267mm) but the belt is sitting nice and high in the secondary with the top cogs slightly over the top. I found this at the Hartman site and 267mm is mentioned there but the Viper manual says 269.5mm (bolt to bolt) is what to aim for. Why is Hartman saying 267mm? Am I missing out on some performance with a 267mm setting even though the belt looks perfect there?

Tightening Steps:
a) Initial tightening to 88 ft-lb b) Loosen the bolt and re-tighten the bolt to 44 ft-lb Clutch alignment center to center 267 mm 15-17mm off-set. Clutch Alignment: Your goal is to: a) Get the drive belt to the top of the secondary sheaves on the driven clutch. (Adjust belt height). b) Belt must run in center of drive clutch. c) How do I do this? You must move motor with motor mounts bolts loose. Don't forget motor torque stop. Also, shim driven clutch In or Out. Always use new drive belt for proper set-up.

That tightening spec is for the bolt that holds the primary on the crankshaft. The belt height in the secondary (when closed) is controlled by shims on screws on the backside of the secondary. The center-to-center does not affect this except when over spec an extreme amount. At 267mm you are out of tolerance by 1 mm. This may not allow the secondary to shift all the way, but only by a very slight amount. It would only be noticeable at top speed on long runs, and 1mm is not going to amount to much. You may want to check your belt deflection. If the deflection is within reason, then 267mm should be fine.
