Ok, I've done a lot or research on this clutching thing, but it still isn't sinking in.
I have an 04 Viper ER. I'm installing a Bender Reaction Suspension, 144 studs up the middle and replacing the front shocks with a set of ohlins. I ride aggressive and am looking for any additional cheap steps that will improve my performance. I've read that some minor clutch setups can make quite an improvement.
Can anyone direct me to a simple proven setup in the clutch department that will help my sled. What I really need is a link or guidence to a step by step purchase and installation of the needed parts. I'm mechanically inclined, just retarded when it comes to clutches and the terms.

Can anyone direct me to a simple proven setup in the clutch department that will help my sled. What I really need is a link or guidence to a step by step purchase and installation of the needed parts. I'm mechanically inclined, just retarded when it comes to clutches and the terms.

Your sleds peak power range is 8400-8600 rpm. They usually overrev. Tune for rpm,s by adding or subtracting weight from the primary & then fine tune by playing around with helix,s & springs in the secondary. Adding weight lowers rpms., & lsubtracting weight raises rpm,s. Better yet buy Aaens clutching handbook & read it about a dozen times & it will sink in.
Turk said:Your sleds peak power range is 8400-8600 rpm. They usually overrev. Tune for rpm,s by adding or subtracting weight from the primary & then fine tune by playing around with helix,s & springs in the secondary. Adding weight lowers rpms., & lsubtracting weight raises rpm,s. Better yet buy Aaens clutching handbook & read it about a dozen times & it will sink in.
Great book. Alot of info in there. I also baught the carb tuning handbook. You'll learn alot from both of them books. Well worth it to buy.
Zachalyse -
Form my 'dumb' questions I have been learning a lot. What I'm going to do is like mentioned above ge tthe revs right so its spot on 8500 +- 100.
Next a green spring in the secondary and a two step 51/43 helix or something close will supposedly make it sweet. I'll try it this year and play with it a little till I get it figured out. Its still clear as mud but this site helps a ton giving reccomended set ups.
Form my 'dumb' questions I have been learning a lot. What I'm going to do is like mentioned above ge tthe revs right so its spot on 8500 +- 100.
Next a green spring in the secondary and a two step 51/43 helix or something close will supposedly make it sweet. I'll try it this year and play with it a little till I get it figured out. Its still clear as mud but this site helps a ton giving reccomended set ups.