New member
I bought some 14.5mm rollers last spring that I was going to use in my 2002 stock srx. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't smaller rollers give you more belt pressure? Anyway now I'm making a 780 bigbore out of it and have these rollers and was wondering if they are still gonna help me with 780 clutching? I have all the stuff I need for the 780 clutching but I have this set of rollers sitting here and was wondering if I should just stick with the stock 15mm rollers or put in the 14.5mm rollers? I have grass 500ft setup and also a trail setup. Any help would be great. Otherwise anyone want to buy a set of 14.5mm rollers? Thanks
New member
the smaller rollers will put the sled into engagement at less rpm's, i dont think it will change anything else.
they work well on some sleds but on the srx's I would stay with the stock rollers.Who's 780.I'm in the processs of buying one also.
New member
It started out as an Aaen 780. But they didn't do anything to the boost ports and all 3 exhaust ports were different. So here in Moline Illinois there is a guy named Jerry Jackson here at Jackson Performance Center that is going to do the boost ports and change the port timing and make all 3 exhaust ports the same. He does beautiful work. He can make anything run Awsome. He has done a cat 1004 for me and ported my stock srx 700 cylinders.