SXR Set Up


Active member
Nov 6, 2003
Northern Ontario
Guys before I start work on my 2000 SXR7 I would like a review of what I am thinking.
I have been reading and learing a little about clutching and set up.
Am I in the ball park or out to lunch... ;):D
AAen triples, 150 mains across, 8dn10 empty to start, GWG primary, G sec with 49/45 helix at 70.
I will fine tune for about 9000 rpm. Am I just :o| or is this a decent set up for aggresive trail and lots of lake crossing.
I will also check my reeds and if they need replacing will go with carbon tech reeds.
Aaen will give you a decent set up for your elevation and temperature...I ran 147.50 in mine in the past...with a stock airbox and head gasket..
as to clutching...I think your a little too aggressive with the cam...not sure of the 8d10's...I ran the stock weights with a diff spring...and then heelclickers...
the cam I like is the 45/39 or a 47/40 or 41 for more aggressive riding..
yea you can definately go with the 147.5's in most conditions safely. For the clutching, 8DN-20s would be better, or 89Ls, or if you LOVE bottom end (and crappy top end) you could use some 8ABs or 8CAs (same profile, CAs are heavier). Depending on what weights you want to use we can better direct you on a helix and spring combo. With the CA's and ABs you would need 14.5 mm rollers or you will have screamin hot clutch temps.
I already have 8dn10 and would like to try and use them.....
There are a few guys here that really like those weights.
I am trying to get the entire set up close and will fine tune the target RPM by adding some some weights if neccesary.
The helix I have is a bender 9760 and I have a few different srpings I can try.
I do have stock rollers. I dont want to loose any top end since I do alot of lake crossing and would be left behind with the guys I ride with.
