My sled.


New member
Oct 30, 2004
I have finally have it one piece. I ordered the same windshield as 03Viperguy. It came in twice scratched up. So I put the stock one back on. I have so many hours into making this sled look like it does now. Its crazy. Let me know what you guys think. I will hopefully get a windshield that is not scratched this week. It will finish the look for now. I also have shock covers for the front that are not seen in the picts.

how many miles are on there? it looks like zero! the engine compartment looks brand spankin new man. goodjob, i ordered a flitz the other day so it wont take soo long to polish everything up.
I think even Eric (Skidooboy) would approve of this attention to detail. Wow is that a nice looking sled.

Not to pick it apart, but is the tunnel dimpled a little above the rear skid mount bolt on the right hand side, or is it just the pictures?
Thanks for the comments guys. There is no dimple in the tunnel. Its just the relection from the aluminum tricking the camera. Ask me how much I hate polishing aluminum. #$%&* Now if I could only get a low windshield that is not scratched to finish the look. I will have to order it from somone else. They wouldn't order me a third one. They refunded my money. Its has around 2700kms on it. I bought it as a left over. Its has only seen snow two seasons. I hope to put a lot more on it this year if the weather permits. ;)!
i can cut your stock screen for ya but i dont know how low you want it. i made both of aujitripple700's screens and also my own, if you want me to do this it will only cost you shipping both ways. then you could paint it yourself. totally custom and looks great(imo) only 3 in existance.
order from the people I got mine from :) I told you where I got it in one of the old PM's, I cant remember the address lol!
