8dn-10 vs 8dn-20 vs 8dn-00


New member
May 2, 2003
wales maine
i know this has been explained in various threads buy can someone give a break down of these three weights in one post and maybe we can post in the tech section for reference

the 20 and 00 act very similarly on top end, while the 10 has less force on top end. The 20 has the most in the bottom and mid, due to its more aggressive profile on the first half of the curve. The 20 has the most aggressive profile all the way through the curve, and slightly less tip weight than the 00, so it acts similar on upshift but backshifts better. The 10 has the least force all the way through the curve. The 00 falls in between. Does that helps some?
which one upshifts best and has bestter top-end. would really like to know thanks

if anybody can tell me their experiences 8BU-10 weights in their srx would like to know that as well thanks, tom
tomseal pm srxmagic, he can point you in the right direction. the 10's are what he recommended for me thats why i was wondering what the difference from the 00's and 20's are.
in radar runs i have used 89a-10's and they worked quite well they just don't back shift very well..
