Coolant pump


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2004
Clear Lake, IA
Anybody use this to bleed the coolant? I'm wondering if I pump it up if it will help me diagnose a leak as well. Anybody know where I can get one? Thanks
Actually I just want to pressurize the system to see if I can hear or see leaks while the engine is off and I can remove the exhaust and look at the WP housing better, right now I can see anything and it only leaks when warm.
Bump to the top, wondering how people bleed thier systems after carb cleanings, head swaps etc. Is this pump somthing that is available at a hardware store? Thanks
I have used one with a special adapter to fit the Viper cap. Don't put too much pressure on it.
apply 10 lbs of pressure in the coolant system.there s a good chance your leaks comming fron the water pump seal.the 02 triples were known to leak from there.i found many impellers to be the change the impeller and the seal.and check your impeller shaft for runout.
