Studding new Hacksaw


VIP Member
Aug 9, 2003
Northern, IL
Well I finally made the purchase. Hacksaw and 192 Top Gun II's from Fast-Trac. I thought I would post a thread for suggestions on stud patterns for 192..There are some good ones for 168 on the tech pages...but none for 192. I did end up going with all single backers...the Air-Lite II's since they have extra support for the longer studs. (I went with 1.175)

You are going to be bending those studs like mad, those are too long. My buddy put 1.175 woody's in his stock viper track and they have a half inch of penetration! He bent about 20 of them this last year, and doesn't spin his track much. About the pattern, will have my 192 pattern posted in a week or so, have to get out there and stud it quick. I went with 1.08" roetin hornets. The top guns are good studs, we've had them in a few sleds now with good results.
Does the 2006 F7 come with the hacksaw? I was assuming it still did. On fast-trac website they recommend 1.175 this year for the 1" track on the F7. Last year is was 1.075... The track is already shipped, but the studs are getting ordered Monday. Let me know what you guys think..
Rich you said that the 1.08's are 3/8 penetration, how could the 1.175 be the same? There is a lot of penetration with those babies, i can post a pic if you guys want.
Personally i would've went with 1.175 myself until i saw how much they penetrated on my buddies viper, a ton of them were bent, and i could see why.
The 1.080's will give just about .4" over the lug, the 1.175 are to long of a stud for the 1" tracks inless you are doing Ice dragging and don't want to slip. The 1.175 will bend over and/or tear out easier. I would go with the 1.080's on a 1" track.
Don't get me wrong, they will still work just fine but they are more likely to tear out or bend because of the added penetration. I always recommend 1.080's in a 1" track for good performance and better durability.
I have used woody's 1.175" Excel studs in my Camo 0.92" track for (4) years and have never had a problem with bending studs. ;)! If anyone was going to it would have been me with all the aggresive riding and rough terain. The track held up fine until the center shock bolt broke and took out the track.
srxbully.template and marker=$17 shipped

yamahaulic.all brands measure out different

snowdust.i would go with the 1.175" giving you 3/8" above.if installed proper you wont have any tear outs.

million.same deal as snowdust go with 1.175" woody.

any questions let me know..the studdddd doctor :rockon:
