UP Trail maps on GPS?

Thunder Valley

New member
Oct 19, 2004
Columbus, Michigan
Anyone used the Garmin TOPO CD? It says on their website it has snowmobile trails outlined as well.... was hoping to get some verification. If not, is their a resource out there that has them?

Thanks... ;)!
I've used it... and I wouldn't hold your breath... LOL There's some details on there but if you're looking for the all the actual trail to show up on there you're probably going to be disappointed. You might try www.fishweb.com... I think for like $10 a year you can get access to his GPS files.
I just picked up a Garmin GPS along with the TOPO maps...although the maps are really detailed, they do not contain any of the snowmobile trails (at least that I could see).

The trails tend to vary slightly from year to year due to land owner changes, etc, so they would quickly become outdated anyway.
I'm on fishweb quite a bit, usually checking trail conditions though.
Maybe I'll go that route since it sounds like the garmin stuff is not too acurate with what I'm looking for. I guess if nothing else I can always just use the rino to find my way back to the cabin. ;)!

I have the garmin 76cs and was hoping for the same thing from the topo. what a waste of money! But, my dream has come true....check this out-

I talked to these guys on the phone a couple times and they say this software is in it's final stages of debugging and should be available next week sometime. They also informed me there will be a UP upgrade for an addition 30 bucks come middle of dec.
this software has a pro edition that was made to work for garmin gps with sufficient memory.
I have the pro edition on order.

I have backup software that would allow me to make extra copys if someone would be interested in splitting the costs.
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I guess I would wonder why you need gps maps of snowmobile trails? The trail maps you can get at the local watering holes and gas stations are cheap and probably more accurate than any gps software anyway. My boating experience with my many Garmins is that the cans and nuns are usually right on.... but the land can vary quite a bit. The entire Muskegon Lake area and Muskegon river and channel are way off on my maping unit... even after downloading their "fix" for it several times. I do have GPS on my sled... but it's not a mapping unit... it's more for fun than anything... an accurate speedo... an odometer, a clock. And if I should happen to go off trail and not remember how to get back to the trail, well there's always the bread crumb trail on the GPS... or I could just follow my own trail in the snow! LOL!! But, I never get lost... seem to have an uncanny sense of direction, always have.
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Is there any other place besides ustrailmaps.com and fishweb.com for GPS trail maps? The ones on ustrailmaps are a little more expensive than I want and I cant find anything on fishweb about GPS software.
I also have GPS on my sled, a Lawrance 3500, which is a 5" color display. The nice thing about have mapping on your gps is you know exactly when an upcoming intersection, I have mapped out the entire caberfe system, irons, benzie and manestee systems. How many times have you been lost at night or not sure how far is the next fuel stop? 3 more weeks, pray for snow.
GPS maps for the Garmin

I purchased a Garmin NUVI 550 which comes preloaded with a topo and a street map. Then I went to sledgps.com and purchsed the Northeast snowmobile maps which come on a micro SD card which plugs into the NUVI. They also sell a Mapsource CD of the snowmobile maps now but did not when I purchased the micro SD card.

So if you have a Garmin GPS and Mapsource then this is one way to go.
