Power Vavles


New member
Feb 13, 2004
Ok I am stupid or something I can not figure out how to adjust the power vavles on my viper.

I understand the part of loosing the lock nuts and everything. I just don't get the clearence part. How do I know how much to back out the bolts to check the clearence on power vavle side? Can someone please explain this in easy to understand terms.. :rocks:
bolt it back together, remove your exhaust manifold, insert your finger and feel for the G spot. you will be able to feel where the exhaust valve either sticks down or up. adjust till the top of the port feels smooth.
I shut the machine off after they were pulled open, and during the cleaning process the servo returned back to a closed positon, any way to open it again with out reinstalling everything and firing it up and idel at 800 to open them again and feel if they are adjust right? I do not have the PV tester thing so that isn't a option.
Just fire it up with the pipes off. Your only going to have to run it a few seconds to get the servo to open. I just did this a couple weeks ago...
and next time when you shut it off with the valves open, mark the servo with a white out pen and the same spot on the servo housing so that if you do happen to move the servo you can turn it back to where it is supposed to be by hand, it turns fairly easily.
I marked the fully open position but can't seem to turn it by hand. Does it turn with a little force or just leave it and start with no pipes on to get it back to open? Thanks
