Rear Heat Exchanger Hose


New member
Nov 6, 2005
Any body have any ideas on how to get rid of the exchanger hose coming out the side of the tunnel on a viper mountain. I want to take off the black protective shields but it then exposes the hose for the heat exchanger. Any body ever relocated it, or is there a kit to do so? so that i can get rid of those ugly black guards.
heat exchanger tube sticks straight up out of the board. no way to relocate without massive fabbing. look up inside the tunnel on an M7 if you could get access to extrusions like that you could remove the running board exchangers. then you'd need to stiffen the boards. trade one problem for another. it's all a give n take. unless you want to put an aftermarket tunnel on it. then we're talking big bux, and time. ski
Heat exchanger

Kinda what I thought. I just noticed that there are many helpful people in these (including you) so i thought I would give it a try. Better leave the M7 alone, don't have the knowledge or time to mess with it. Thanks for the reply. Mark
