SX Viper Riser Block


New member
Feb 13, 2005
Without changing the cables, How big can I go with a riser block on my 03 Viper?
I went with 2" and still had to re route cables some dont think any taller would work without extension
I put a two inch on and had no problems. I never had to reroute anything. But I would not be able to put another 1/4 of a inch on there, the oil cable is at its limits now.
2" makes a big difference on these sleds, i have 4" on my viper and its much better.
i got a 3 inch on mine and the cables are fine,
the wires.....
thats the problem i had
had to cut them all and add 2" of wire to them all. :o| :o|
What's the best 2" standard block riser for a viper? Aren't they all about the same?
redsnake3 said:
i got a 3 inch on mine and the cables are fine,
the wires.....
thats the problem i had
had to cut them all and add 2" of wire to them all. :o| :o|

Sounds like fun! I just wired in a tether and only had to splice 2 which was annoying. I can't imagine having to do them all. How did you re-route your cable if you didn't lengthen them? Oil pump cable has to be pretty tight with a 3" rise not? I think my brake line was getting a little snug too.
There are some pretty nice risers out there,i went with the powermadd,i'm not sure how much it was but it was to Rich he'll set ya up.
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You will love the difference the riser makes. I can't even stand to ride a Viper without one anymore.
yeah i left the cables were they were routed through the guides on the airbox, the brake line has just a little slack at full turn. ;)! that was real close had to move the brake line a little to get it too fit. at first it was pulling on it and makin it leak, good thing i found it before i was on the trail.
with my 2" riser my oil cable would pull out had to reroute it??
dont know about anyone else, but I have my bars turned up where the brake handle just hits the stock windshield when turned, and had to tape the oil cable connection
maybe with the bars leaned back 3" might work but I wanted the bars foward as possiable

PS my cover barely fits over the bars now
