Brain cramp on stud size>?

Yeah, you can go 1.175's. I run 1.25's in my 1" Camoplast, but they are Extreme Max studs and I think they measure them differently than other brands.
yes you can run 1.175's in a .92 track, but let me warn you, you will have A LOT of penetration. My buddies viper with the stock .92 yoko and woody's 1.175's have a ton of penetration, so much that he had to change 27 bent studs this last season. No rip outs, but that is a lot of bent studs. He rides in all the same conditions as me and doesn't ride overly hard, and in 5,600 miles i have zero bent and ripped out woody's 1.075s on my '01 sx 700r, and they still have good penetration. Just letting you know make sure you know what conditions you ride in and how you ride before throwing those puppies in there.
i have 96 woody golddiggers 1.075 i believe that i had on last year... they are complete with backers and nuts... are also in excellent shape (i put about 1000 miles on them) they are just sitting in the garage because i put a long track with a 1.5 lug on this summer. the carbide tips aren't worn down at all on them....if your interested we could figure something out with price and all that good stuff...daneg
