need your guys opinion on what i should do.(scott)


New member
May 6, 2003
tug hill ny
first of all this is on a 2000 srx..i have a viper gauge on the sled with a viper harness.(i have my pod cut to allow the gauge)& i just bought a new race box(srx) from don & wanted to put my sled back to the srx harness but with the viper not an electrican but scott(betheviper)i beileve told me sumwhere i can splice into the harness to allow the viper gauge withe the srx either i need to elimanate using the viper gauge or find out how to use both. the only problem with just getting rid of the viper gauge is that my pod will need to be replace but my cowl & pod are custom painted.
scott help me out brother.

or do you guys think i could get a electrican or sum1 to make up a harness to accept both. & make it where the motor will run it??????????(this will probably cost a penny though)...also if i do get the setup i want do you think the gauge will be drawing to much from the cdi???
Your cdi should be fine, as your 2000 srx was the first year with the rare earth magneto. As far as wiring it up I thought someone on here has already done this conversion, maybe someone could help. I put a racepak UDX dash on my 01 srx and it was a pain in the a#$. I would suggest first finding out what wires on your harness do what and then try to match them up with the same wires on the viper dash. That's what I had to do. Do you know which wires do what on the viper dash? If you have any specific questions on wires on the srx dash let me know and I can look on mine to find out.
yes im the one who did this. im just trying to use the race pipes & race box with the viper gauge. im going to try & find a viper wiring daragram & trace some wires & splice them in.(but there is so many more wires on the viper harness.
there are essentially the same amount of wires on a viper hood harness. the extra wires are, for the speedo and a temp wire. if you can get a 00 wire diagram and a viper diagram to compare the two you will see this. last i looked even the wire colors match up.
use the srx wire harness with the viper hood harness, you will need to strip some wires from the viper harness for your speedo.

the other way is to reconfigure your viper harness plug ends to the corresponding slots in your srx cdi box(this will be easier) there will be atleast a temp wire that will be missing, you will need to add one. the only thing with this setup is i think your grips and thumb on a 2000 are on one curcuit. if this is the case you will have a dead wire on the viper harness. you may need to do some wiring on your grips.

first you need wire diagrams, this is a must.
