Does it matter if I tip my SRX to the MAG side?


New member
Oct 30, 2005
Fargo, ND
I pulled the skid, tipped it to the clutch side but gas came pouring out of what I assume was the gas tank overflow line....Am I ok in tipping it to the MAG side to reinstall the rear skid, or will that cause any problems? Sorry for the stupid questions, this is my first yammy.
You can flip it up on either side. Sometimes they are a beast to start after flipping them up because the floats move around and flood it.
Huh, I was always told to only flip it onto it's left side. Always keep the oil tank on top. I don't know if this really true or not. Can anyone shed some more light on this?
Thanks all for the info- I think I have the rail bent back somewhat so it's rideable for the time being....Anyone got any tips for getting the suspension back in easily?
