Piped Viper – SLP Flow-Rites or Mountain Performance Air Intake Filter Kit?


New member
Feb 20, 2004
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I am interested in any input that you guys can give me about these two products. I am really interested in hearing if any of you guys have had success with the flow-rites.

I used the Mountain performance filter kit on a piped viper last year and they worked well, but I leaning towards the Flow-Rites because they look a little better.

Thanks in advance.
I've had good luck with the flowrites in the dash. I mounted four of them; two on each side; on the ribbed part of the dash. I also removed the ram air blocks completely and when I think I'm going to be in a lot of powder, I put them back in, or stuff some foam in the openings. I use the foam strip that used to be in the dash of the mountain max and cut it into two pieces big enough to fill the opening. I also removed the foam over my airbox and replaced it with an outerwear. I put that foam back in when riding in alot of powder. One other thing, I taped off the openings on the underside of the hood where the underhood air is allowed into the airbox, this makes sure that I'm getting cold, fresh air instead of hot air from under the hood.
Good luck!
I have flowrite's also, 2 of them in the dash. Yes they work very well, big difference in deep snow. Probably the best $35-$40 I've spent on the sled. ;)!
I want to install the filters on the ram air inlets this year anyone doing this?
last year out west I had to tape them closed and also taped off the under hood air so just the flo rites where sucking air, what about putting holes in the ram ducts to let air right to the air box? thought with the ram air filters this would work? going 2 times this year and want to try and have things done before I get there, but of course I will have the trusty duct tape (blue)
does your ram air intake dump to the air box or just in the engine compartment?
what about the hood vents? seems like I get alot of snow thru the vents, turns to steam and boggs the motor, so I taped off the under hood air intake to the air box
I run florites, slp air box prefilter and going to add the ram air prefilters, but was wondering about directing the air right to the air box
just like yours it dumps the factory ducts to under hood area ( to left and right of box). to eliminate snow under hood you can buy bulk prefilter material from slp and hot glue it to the back of the vent screens. this will keep almost all of the snow out. ski
