RS Venture


New member
Oct 11, 2003
Winnipeg Manitoba
I heard that the RS Venture is only going to come with a 144 inch track
does any one know if that is true. Or will there be a 136 as well .

144 in the US, and 144 or 151 in Canada. I am convinced that you will want the 144 at least on this sled. The 136 skid would be too short for this configuration, just consider the Warrior. With the new tipped up rails I think that the 151 might be an even better option.
Why does it need such a long track ,My 97 has a 136 and it is lots for trail riding .It keeps me warm on a windy trail. I am really thinking of ordering one .

I also had a '97 Venture and agree that it was a nice, warm sled for trail riding. The only issue I had was that it didn't always have enough room for some of the 'dates' I picked up at closing time in the tavern. Sure it was nice to snuggle but some of them were downright big and my knees got up into the handlebars making it hard to steer..

The new model should provide just that much more passenger room to make it a much safer ride back to the motel.
Oh my mistake!

What I meant to say was when I act as Taxi for my SRX and Vapor riding buddies who are unable to carry their dates on their sleds.

Afterall, what are friends for? :wink:

(True story, actually happened with my '97 Venture)
Take a real close look at the RS Venture from the side view. Now imagine the rear axle moved 4 - 6 inches forward. Just ponder that picture . . .
OK Ding,

I've done that, didn't get it. Waited a while, tried it again, still don't get it. Ignored it but now it won't go away. I may not have a very good imagination but I'm curious.

Please describe the picture you see with the rear axle moved 4 - 6 inches forward on an RS Venture.
You're right Ding, I had to make her stop bouncing, she was making me dizzy.

Well OK, more dizzy than normal then if we must be specific. :oops:
That 144" track and skid makes total sense. It's the only 2up sled I've seen where there's space between the chest of passenger isn't wedged against the back of the driver. I want one :) What don't I want...jeesh!
Shhh!!! Be quiet about the cool stuff on the RS Vector, and maybe there will be enough of them leftover that we can afford one in the fall. If we let everybody know about all of the little improvements, they will gobble them up which will inflate the prices. We will be stuck waiting another year or two.
Yeah, Ding, I saw that, and just new it'd be my wife's next sled, or mine even! I could use everything it's got. I keep getting my sled stuck...I need more track, and more motor, it's got everything I'm looking for. Once you get past the 'idea' of a 2up sled, it's a home run.

Ding, remember the older guys in Ontario, the locals, who rode 2up Skidoos? They figured out long ago that a 2up is best for a mixture of trails and backwoods stuff. The only downfall is getting unstuck, but with all that traction...hehe
You're simply not trying hard enough, Wilson! ;)

Yesterday we rode in the lower, got stuck half a dozen times each, and had a great time! There were a few spots where, to turn around, was a 3 man operation, hehe. If I don't get another sled next year, I'm going to put a 1.5"er on my lil5!
I can't aford to be getting stuck I am a high risk cardiac .Thats why I want the new Venture .And then I will never get stuck .Hey I just got more amo for talking my wife into this .
