viper powervalve help


New member
May 14, 2005
Rochester, MN.
hey guys, was wondering if I could get a few opions on this. the other day i was taking my powervalves apart for cleaning and broke one of the bolts off. it is on the center cylinder and one of the lower bolts. my situation got worse, i drilled out the bolt center and tried to use an "easy out" to extract the bolt, and that damn thing broke off in the bolt. that thing is hard steel, and i cannot even drill a hole in it at all. so my big question is, will the other three bolts be able to provide enough of a seal that i wont have to worry about the broken one, or do i pull the cylinder and have a "pro" drill out the hole? thanks for any input guys. btw sled is 02 viper 2400mi
o man that sounds nasty.....i would suggest making some phone calls to some pros and see what they may involve gently putting some heat to the area to work it out....personally i wouldnt feel comfortable with having only three bolts holding the valve...
Id run it, just keep checking the other 3. Make sure it sitts flat against the jug, and that the easy out isn't making it sit crocked. Maxdlx
Run it the way it is , I lost one of my bolts last year for the powervalves , i totally forgot about it , i remembered this fall when i was cleaning it , after 1700 miles last year, no problems , its a yamaha man !!!! Run it !!!!!
Run it! My buddy lost one of his last year he had no problems with the seal.
The next time you get in trouble try using a wise grip to remove the bolt! :). They are amazing. Another solution to extract broken bolts can be to weld another bolt or a nut to the end of the bolt and then unscrew it.

I don`t know if you could have reached that bolt with a wisegrip but I just wanted you to know:).
thanks for the input guys, i was thinking the three bolts would be ok too, and it sounds like from what I'm reading i will be.
