breakin on a re-ring job


New member
Aug 18, 2003
should i run premix gas for the first tank after the new rings go in ?? how much oil would i add for a 1/2 tank of gas ??

Yes you should. oil is cheap and rings are not. it will smoke a little bit more than normal.

when my viper was new the dealer gave me a quart and said use half per that would be 8 ounces for a half tank.
Yeah I did put oil in in my fuel after the motorjob, fowled lots of plugs but saved the motor, better safe then sorry.
also if possible don't use synthetic oil for the break in, in the premix or injection. Regular oil such as yamalube or something will allow the rings to seat faster. They will still seat with synthetic, it will just take longer.
I just rebuilt the top end of my 700SX and I put 16oz yamalube to 5 gal of gas - that is 40:1.

so to answer your question - i guess that would be one quart of yamalube to a full tank. Or 32oz with 10 gallons of gas.

If you are usually using a better oil than the yamalube, like klotz or other synthetic you will want to use yamalube for break in then switch back. I called klotz and they even said not to use their oil for break in.

