I know that a lot of you are going to cringe, but I have over 5000 miles on my 2001 SRX, and 6000 on my Viper and the power valves have never been cleaned on either one The motors have never been apart, and all I use is Yamalube. They both runs fine and shows no signs of power loss at all. By the way I never fogged them for the summer, but I do start them and run them at least once a month in the summer and tool around the yard. My question: is Yamalube really that bad, or is Klotz just better? How ofter should power valves be cleaned?
New member
You better pull them pv's and have a look atleast, wow
Active member
powervalve cleaning intervals really depend on your specific case. Some sleds always seem to have cleaner valves than others. Riding conditions (speed) affect it, type of oil affects it, jetting affects it, etc. There are so many variables. I like to do mine at least every 1,000 miles, and usually find they need it pretty bad. You should at least get in there and check out the condition of the cables and where the part of the valve where the cable attaches, since these are the frequent wear/failure points. Also, your adjustment is guaranteed to be off if you have never cleaned/adjusted them.
New member
easiest way to get them out after that long (if the cables havent pulled through already) is to start the sleds run them up to temperature and then diasassemble the valves one by one. this will loosen the oil, carbon andc crud enough for you to be able to remove them for cleaning. ski