New member
I just recently made my Viper a 136. I do not like how it handles compared to a 121 but loved the traction. I have always wanted an Expert X so today I finally did it. Question is this. With the extra transfer of the new skid, is a 121 going to be enough or should I get the extensions for the Expert? I think the overall Geometry of the 136 in the x will be much better than in the stock skid extended. I know some guys on here have done it so I would love to hear your thoughts. I don't mind sacraficing a little handling to have the extra track. Ride quality is not a big concern. I am mostly concerned with ability to transfer weight and get good traction. I am running a 780 CPR. I have everything set to run 136, just need the rail extensions from Boivin. What can I expect from this Expert? I am a drag racer who loves to do some hard trail riding. From what I have read, the expert is perfect for that. Your thoughts?
Active member
expert will definately deliver on traction and weight transfer, even in a 121" version the transfer is unbelievable. I dont believe that you will need a 136 if you are simply looking for the traction from it. We have a viper we are putting an expert in next week, only reason we might 136 it down the road is to get some better off trail ability.
New member
I had a piped 136" Expert X Viper and it hooked up something fierce. set to full weight transfer I could carry the skis over a 1/2 mile. It did push in the corners but I had the stock skis. I think a more aggresive ski would have solved the problem.
New member
Thanks guys. Tom, if you crank down the transfer does the push go away or get any better. The problem with the proaction when I did the 136 was that it was kind of like a teeter totter. Under acceleration it would rock back hard, and under deceleration, it would rock back forward bad. The only way I could get the thing down the trail was to come in to a turn real hot and decelerate hard so I could get the weight back to the front so I could turn. I don't mind the typical transfer but this thing acted wierd. Tell me this, both of you, In a 1000' feet on snow covered hard packed road, can you get a 121 to hook hard enough to stay with or beat a similar sled with a 136? Thanks again guys.
New member
I never experienced any teeter totter feeling with my Expert X. Cornering did push but it was nothing you can't get used to. I wouldn't have it adjusted for full transfer for trail riding, just off trail stuff. One thing for sure is you cannot accelarate hard in the corner...I would hold a steady speed thru the corner and pin it close to the end of the turn. As far as the comparison of 121" to 136" I can't really help you there...I only had my installed as a 136". I would assume however that with more track on the ground you will have less track spin and quicker accelaration with some loss of top end.