Fuel Filter Location


VIP Lifetime Member
May 2, 2003
I am trying to locate fuel filter on a 2000 SXr. Believe it or not ,dealer does not know where it is at. Someone had told me it is in the tank, but how do you get it out. I have tried to locate it there, but no luck.[/list]
Yes its in the tank and there is no easy way to get at it. Everyone has their own little tricks but this is what I do:

-Take the tank off and drain it.
-Take out the screws that hold on the fitting and slide the fitting out.
-Slide the clamp back so you can remove the fuel filter hose from the fitting.
-Tip the tank upside down and shake the fuel filter (and the piece of hose that is attached to it) out.
-Get a new piece of hose a lot longer than you need, about 3' its only cheap.
-With the tank still upside down and the gas cap removed, insert the new hose in the hole where the fitting goes and fish around untill it drops out the fill hole.
-Slide the clamp on a couple inches and put on your new filter, slide the clamp in place.
-Are you getting the idea? :lol:
-Pull the hose out through the fitting hole untill you think you have about a foot left in the tank.
-Cut off the rest and put the fitting and its clamp back on.
-Put the tank back on, hook up the fuel line, put gas in it and your ready to go. :wink:

If anyone knows a better way feel free to share with us. :P
Or what you can do is once you get the filter out instead of putting a new filter on, insert a piece of pipe in the hose to weigh it down and put it back together. Then install an inline filter outside the tank to make future filter changes easier. :wink:
Thank's for that information. I can't believe that they would't make it easier to change. That seems like a lot of work just to change the filter. I like the old system better. all you had to do was just remove the outside cover of the gas tank. pull off the rubber boot off the spout and pull out the hose with filter. :roll:
Why are you changing the filter ? Have you experienced problems or just maintainence? Just curious, I have never had any reason to worry about the fuel filter. :?:
I am just doing general maintenance. The shop manual tells you to change filer every season. I usually change filters every 3 years, for my own piece of mind. :roll:
fuel filter

I have a sled that 12 years old and had never changed the fuel filter so i decided to and it looked brand new, nothing in it at all, totally clean.
