Kill swithc quite working on SRX


New member
Jun 19, 2005
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Today I was out riding, and did a full throttle run, then hit th ekill switch to check the jetting. I get to a stop, and notice my motor hasnt died, WTF? Still running, so i think maybe the kill switch is bad? Nope, wont turn off with the key either! The only way to get her to shut off is to choke it out. IDK waht this coudl be, but any help would be appreciated! I dont think it is the harness under the engine, because nothing else has happened, and lights and power, everythign else works just fine and dandy! Let me knwo guys!
thats what i will prolly end up doing. Gonan trace the wires tomorrow, make sure nothing came unplugged. If nothing did, then i will just ride and worry about it later
Unplugeed it will die. It wil be more like melted together. The Mtn Viper I bought started perfect the morning I bought it, by that night it wouldn't start. Found out someone had unplugged the kill switch wires in the bar pad. A_HOLES. Anyway if you had un unplugg it wouldn't make a circut and not run. Paul
really? I have heard that yamahas run when the switch is unplugged, might have to check it out. Anyhow, im gonna trace the wires regardless
how is the snow up there max? Its pretty good down here, alot of people out today riding!
might be a bad switch possibly? id try a fluke see if the resistance changes when you turn the switch off and on
ran just fine with kill switch unplugged max. I think it is only on the vipers that doesnt work. I traced the entire harness, no rub through's on it, and I know the ignition switch isnt bad, because the handwarmers still work. So has to either be cdi or kill switch itself, has me stumped!
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anyone else feel like helping on this thread? Next step for me is the CDI box, that is if i can find a good one for a 700 that is decent priced. Junior might have one for me, but if not, I am going to need one. It is my last resort, as I cant find anythign else wrong with it.
i agree...a quick meter test would tell you whter or not your switch took a dive. so how does you method killing it w/ the switch while riding it wide oped work... do you just pull the plugs and look at them???
yes, do a wide open run for 4 or 5 seconds, then continue to hold it wide open and hit the kill switch, when you come to a stop, check plugs. This will HELP to make sure you dont burn down on top end runs
