90 Phazer Blowing Belts!!!


New member
Sep 11, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Hey there...

I'm posting this thread for my cousin who owns a 90 phazer...long story short...His machine ran fine last year...we did a run up in Northbay and he
chewed up a few gears in his chain case...He's fixed everything up and put all new weights etc in the primary...but hasn't touched the secondary yet...
He took it for another spin on the weekend and blew another belt...thats 3 so far since he put humpty backtogether...curious...could his engine be out
of allignment?...secondary pooched? or what else should he look into?... I told
him to pull out the secondary and have a look...anything else I should have him look into?...

cheers and thanks

Check the clutch alignment for sure. Also check that everything is moving freely. This is the biggest cause of blowing belts apart
Hey there...I just got the call from him a few hours back...He' been keeping an
eye on this site and said that Fardoche was right... he broke a Motor mount...He
fixed and aligned her up nicely...and after refreshing the primary up before this post...he says he's got a brand new machine again...really snappy and consistant...
Cheers and Thanks ya'll for yer guidance...

Oh..and Happy Newyear!!!

