New member
I had a hell of a time getting my sled started this winter. It finally started and idled, then i rode it for awhile. A week later, it started up third pull, i rode it for awhile again, killed it with the choke (read it in a post on here, figured i'd try it). The next week, it started for about 30 seconds then died. A few pulls later and it started for 15 seconds then died. Since then, it hasn't started, never even sounds close.
I checked the harness going under the engine, found a frayed wire and fixed it. No spark. I found a wire that had been spliced and fell apart up by the headlight, connected it and now it has spark again (plugs are clean).
Now that it has spark, i still can't get it started, i poured a bit of premix in the cylinders and it still won't start. I haven't cleaned the carbs yet this season, could dirty carbs cause what i'm experiencing?
I only have Friday night to work on it, then I'm bringing it up to Maine for the winter. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
I checked the harness going under the engine, found a frayed wire and fixed it. No spark. I found a wire that had been spliced and fell apart up by the headlight, connected it and now it has spark again (plugs are clean).
Now that it has spark, i still can't get it started, i poured a bit of premix in the cylinders and it still won't start. I haven't cleaned the carbs yet this season, could dirty carbs cause what i'm experiencing?
I only have Friday night to work on it, then I'm bringing it up to Maine for the winter. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
ok, so now with the plugs out it has nice bright blue spark when you pull it over right?
assuming the answer is yes, you have gas in the sled and it has compression in all 3 cylinders?
if it still wont start after you dump some gas in the cylinders, then I would say the pipes/case have gas in them. After you pull on the sled for a while trying to start it, are the plugs wet?
assuming the answer is yes, you have gas in the sled and it has compression in all 3 cylinders?
if it still wont start after you dump some gas in the cylinders, then I would say the pipes/case have gas in them. After you pull on the sled for a while trying to start it, are the plugs wet?
New member
Bright blue spark, sled's got gas, and has compression.
The plugs are definitely wet, i wonder if maybe it's just super flooded... i could see the pipes having gas in 'em, what would i have to do to get it out? Pull 'em off and set 'em in the garage overnight?
The plugs are definitely wet, i wonder if maybe it's just super flooded... i could see the pipes having gas in 'em, what would i have to do to get it out? Pull 'em off and set 'em in the garage overnight?
New member
New set of plugs maybe?
How bout the tether cord? Make sure it's on there good and tight.
How bout the tether cord? Make sure it's on there good and tight.
if they get flooded bad enuff, they wont start unless ya take off the pipes, dry them out with compressed air, and dry out the case as well with air, then remove the plugs and blow air in the top as well, youll see it weep out all over, exh port, sp. plug hole etc.
New member
I'm going to try all of this, new plugs, clean the carbs, and shoot some compressed air down through the pipes and case.
The thing really smells like gas, so this might be the right direction.
The thing really smells like gas, so this might be the right direction.
My 98 600srx has been having a similar problem for a few years now.Start it up cold and it will kill one random plug, change it , and then maybe another! Once I get it warmed up,I don't have any problems that day. Next morning samething. I installed a shut off valve but don't think it solved the problem(I don't ride the sled that much now,04 viper s ) Ive checked the float hieght(probably incorrectly???) and all 3 where the same. I did buy a plug cleaner, and started cleaning the 80 or 90 fouled plugs, they actually do come back to life with the cleaner
Good Luck!
Ive had the sled since it was new and this problem literally started happening over night. Always started and ran with-in 3 pulls, now this!

Good Luck!
Ive had the sled since it was new and this problem literally started happening over night. Always started and ran with-in 3 pulls, now this!
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New member
I was thinking about something last night... the last time the sled really ran right, i killed it with the choke when i was done riding, could that have flooded it bad enough so that it won't start?
It shouldn't unless your plugs were on the verge of foulling already,even if your RPMs were really high when you choked it, I wouldn't think it would suck that much fuel!
New member
Does leaving the choke on do anything if it's just sitting there? (sorry for my ignorance, i'm just really getting into 2-stroke engines)
New member
I just blew out the cylinders and pipes, still nothing. The sled has spark if i pull on it super hard (with the plugs out), but no spark otherwise. Any ideas on what could cause this?
New member
I should mention that the headlight works, the gauges light up, everything else electrical works, the plugs just arent' getting good spark. Another thing, what does the white and red wire do? there's a spot where it's bare, but still in tact.
New member
Any ideas? Could the plugs be partially fouled even though there's no carbon on them at all? Would they still spark if i pulled the cord real hard? I'd really like to get this thing running this weekend, and not have to bring it to the dealer (which is where it's going if i can't fix it by monday).
Active member
try new spark plug caps, people dont realize how often they are the problem when the plugs dont have good spark, or intermittent spark.
New member
the thing i don't get though, is that all three are having the same symptoms... could all three of the caps have gone bad at the same time?
Try this if you can. Get new plugs and put them in another sled and start it up and let it warm up for 4 or 5 minutes. take them out hot, put them in the srx, and give it a try. Maxdlx
New member
I had an intermittent weak of no spark in my srx for a little bit. it was the wireing harness wearing under the engine
New member
Just a quick update:
It turns out both the CDI and the Stator were toast. $532 later, it runs again!
It turns out both the CDI and the Stator were toast. $532 later, it runs again!