Just started viper and I have a problem!


New member
Nov 10, 2005
Started my 03 viper today and it's only running on 1 cylinder. I have no idea whats going on. I dumped 5 gallons of fresh gas in it today. I'm getting spark on all the plugs. The sled has 450 miles on it and it ran great when I put it away last year. There was stabel in the gas but it was almost empty. Has this happen to anyone else? Or does anyone know what I need to do. Thanks :o|
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I have pulled them. I'll let you know what I find. I've never messed with snowmobile carbs before. Thanks
Took the bowls off and they are bad. Brown varish and particles moving around. Took off pilots and looked through them and could not see daylight. So I think I found the problem. You guys are sure right about cleaning these carbs once a year. Unreal how quick they get crappy. Thanks
Carbs are clean and are back on the sled and it starts and runs great. One question on the fuel screws. I took them out and they had the black rubber washer on them but I didn't see the other washers I have read about. I sprayed carb cleaner up the hole cleaned off the fuel screws and put them back in. Any info would be great. Thanks
I think I just figured out the washer is under the black rubber washer. Thanks for all the help guys. And a tip for you guys that haven't cleaned your carbs, just do it. Thanks
