Well, another race cancelled today. So the ex let her son come over and I fired up his little GS300 for him. we put on about 10 ditch miles today. Can you rember when 30 mph was fast? Ian is only 9 yrs old and thinks this little one lunger goes atleast 90 mph!
its all fun though
its all fun though
VIP Lifetime Member
I know what you mean, I ride with my 10 year old stepson alot in the pasture. So you guys still have ridable snow? You need to keep it for the end of Feb ride. Maxdlx
yea Ive been off work this past week and doing some ditch rides. Went out on the trails lastnight for newyears ride, but they were beat up and not groomed. Its fun to take Ian out on the lake we live on, but this year I'm staying off them till all the slush freezez again
New member
there is halfway decent snow, i put on about 100 mi. on the srx this weekend.
that reminds me monty, when are we gonna do some riding? lol
that reminds me monty, when are we gonna do some riding? lol
I havent been too wound up to hit the ditches or trails hard yet. I'm suffering from a right wrist injury. Need time to heal more, But I have been riding like a old grama anyway.
would love to go out sometime. my weekends are very undpredictiable but give me a shout sometime
would love to go out sometime. my weekends are very undpredictiable but give me a shout sometime
Life Member
With the warm forecast, we might not be keeping our snow around as long as we would like. Wouldn't hurt to get another few inches of snow on top of what we have, in addition to some colder weather.
Bring on the cold... We need Ice! Im getting tired of seeing my racers sitting in the shop and not on the track.