Need Viper Help


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Gwinn, MI
My dads viper had a new stator put in it last spring. 50 miles on new stator.

he was out riding yesterday and all of the sudden it started missing and the tach/speedo/lights and everything electronic went dead. So he shutit down immediately and waited 20 minutes to try and start it to head home. It fired fine and everything worked fine for about 15 minutes then started spitting and electronics went out again.

He seems to think its the stator again, but i thought it was a wire somewhere.

Has anyone had this happen before or have any good ideas of what to check for. Some direction or things to check tonight before tearing down to the stator would help.

BTW: plugs are all golden brown, no motor mods, heel clicker clutch. ripsaw 1.25 (stock otherwise)


sounds like the wires, check them first for cracks and rubs. Do a search for rub wires.
yes, check all wires....

be sure to look at the main connectors in the wiring harness and around the pipe and such, some people had rub issues with their vipers....
