VIP Member
never talked to Rules but read this??
New member
as soon as i heard about the iowa guys i thought of rules. was going to try to contact him to make sure all was ok, never got around to it. i am glad he is ok, and feel remorse for those who have passed. ski
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The 2 guys who in the avy are local guys here. I knew the ones family really well. Sad sad day in eastern Iowa. Maxdlx
New member
...thats terrible.
Those of you that ride in areas prone to avalanches, please use caution when deciding where to ride.
Those of you that ride in areas prone to avalanches, please use caution when deciding where to ride.
Your #1 performance shop!
I talked to Eric on Friday night for just a few minutes about his exhaust system and fuel injection adjustments on his Apex Mountain. Pro116 (Ryan) was with him as well. Hopefully they both make it back safely with their sleds!
New member
If I were I dedicated boodocker in avalanche country, I'd be inclined to invest in an Avalanche Air Bag . Reportedly, those things work extremely well.
I've spent a lot of time on the Snowy Range, and there are a lot of places around there that scare me a lot.
I've spent a lot of time on the Snowy Range, and there are a lot of places around there that scare me a lot.
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I have never ridden in the real scary deep stuff... but everyone here that does, be careful and be PREPARED!!!!
the best way to avoid a tragedy is to be ready for one...
the best way to avoid a tragedy is to be ready for one...
New member
i think it was ryans first time out west too. what a way to start out!Srxspec said:I talked to Eric on Friday night for just a few minutes about his exhaust system and fuel injection adjustments on his Apex Mountain. Pro116 (Ryan) was with him as well. Hopefully they both make it back safely with their sleds!

We're Back. Dave, it was my second time out there. Eric and I went out there two weeks ago, and again this past week. We got out of the canyon after 35hr's. We got ahold of 911 on a cell phone, they came out the next afternoon on cross country ski's and brought snowshoe's for us. We snowshoed for 2hr's out of there, and then rode a snow cat for 2 miles to a ranchers place where the rescue vehicles were. No that wasn't us in the avalanche in utah, just a canyon we couldn't get out of at the time in Wy.
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New member
how'd ya get the sleds out ryan??? ps i edit spelling only in the post. ski
VIP Member
I think we are all greatful that you made it out OK, and feel for those in the other group that did not. I am going out Jan. 17 and then again in March.
I am real curious if it was a canyon that you rode in before or were you's exploring? really dont care to end up in the same spot. a few more details would be nice, I take it you had to stay over night? what kind of gear did you have or want to have now?
Sorry for so many question but thats how people like me learn.
I am real curious if it was a canyon that you rode in before or were you's exploring? really dont care to end up in the same spot. a few more details would be nice, I take it you had to stay over night? what kind of gear did you have or want to have now?
Sorry for so many question but thats how people like me learn.
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We were in Hells Canyon. Never been in there before and I'm never going back. Its my fault that we ended up in there but after years of extreme boon docking I have never "not" been able to find a way back out. Lesson learned and everyone is ok. we got the the sleds out by hiking back in on private land, packing a trail, and then cutting out a few hundred willow trees to make a path just wide enough to ride through. We were well prepared but there is a few things I would do differently. I plan to do a small write up about this to help others if they ever get into this same situation. Thanks for thinking of us. ===SRXSRULE===
New member
Glad you're all safe... i'm looking forward to reading the writeup.
New member
Sounds like it was a rather involved process to get back to your sleds and get them out.
Glad to hear you made it out okay. How far out were you?
Glad to hear you made it out okay. How far out were you?
Eric/Skidooboy thank's for the retyping I did chop thew spelling,lol.
Maybe srxsrule will post some pics.
There was 4 of us
Eric Knutson/srxsrule-apex mtn
Me Ryan Skiba/pro116-vector with a 136x2" track
Greg-151" rmk 700
Jerry-144" switchbaxk 900
We Left Saturday Morning from the parking lot and after about 1 hr we found this canyon that you you couldn't see very far down inn it semed to be real open until we started down in.Once we started there was no turning back.The terrain was so tight with the tree's and steep buy looking at the topographical map it's one of the steepest grades around.We had to build ramps out of snow with our shovel's to get over dead tree's.There where some that where 6ft drops on the otherside of them and the grade was so steep you would go about 100ft before stopping unless you hit a tree in the process.I had a wide ski stance and there was area's where I couldn't go through I had to pop my sled up on one ski to fit through the tree's.We where going through this one part which was actually a river that was snow covered that we where able to drive through and there was a tree layind down across it about 36" wide that we drove underneath we stopped and took some pics.I stepped through with both feet and go a little wet then everyone took off and The front right of my sled fell through but the snow was so deep it was against my beely pan and hood allowing it not to go down any farther,so I dug out under the right side of my sled and dug a little under the side that gone through and I jumped on the right side of my running boards and puleed on the moutain strap and was able to hp the left side out and got going.We continued to cut small tree's out of are way on the way down.We got to one spot where all 4 us where stuck trying to turn around because we where ran into basically a wall of tree's and there was a big tree laying down.It took us about 1 hr to get all the sledzs unstuck and we tried going back where we came from we went about a 1,4 mile and there was a tree falling down across out track's.So se cut that out of our way but it was to steep and too many obsticales to go up hill.So we turned aroung and went back to wherer we where all stuck trying to turn around.We cut some stuff out of the way and buildt another ramp out of snow to get over the log.We made it about another 1/8th to 1/4 mile and we where weaving across the river which there was open spots now.We continued and we came to a fork in the little lamrie river we all stopped there was so many willows and small poplings.It was starting to get dark so we decided to set up camp.We bent a big tree over and tied the end to another tree with a rope we had so it looked like a big arch. The we cut alot of pine brancehes and laid them against the bent over tree to make a block against the wind which gave us about a 2 ft overhang over out heads.While we where buildiing this another guy that carries a siphon on his switchback 900 siphoned some gas out and started a fire.After we where done building our wall/lean too whatever you call it I a couple of us cut wood with our saws we had.While the other guy shoveled snow away from out wind barrier and laid down lot's of small pine branches so we could put the tarp that Eric carries along on top of them so we didn't have to sit on the wet ground.Well we all sat down for a while and we figured out the gps cordinance and two guy had cell phones which wouldn't really come in.Well we got in touch with 911 a couple times because we couldn't hold a call very long it would brake up and we would get a losses call.We finally got the the cordinance and told them not to sent any one out that night we had could make it through the night.Well I was wet and cold from going through the snow when we where untop of the river.So one guy had packed some extra long underwear.So I put them on and stood by the fire for about 2 1/ hrs while my pant's and snow pant's where drying over the fire on our homade closeline.Hopefull Rules dosen't post any pics of that,lol.We all had beef jerky and some snack's along and one guy had some dry soup in a bag we boiled some water from the creek in a hottdogger that one guy took off of his pipe.Well we didn't have any untinsels so we where taking turns dipping out hands in the bag of soup.The night was actually decent tempature high 20's.The wind woulkd pick up and dye back and forth.The sky was clear most of the night we did get snowed on for a while.Around light we decided to try to make it out of there by going down river it was are only cheance.We tried shovling as much snow in the river as possibale to make a snow bridge well it worked we all got across.We all made it alittle farther then we ran into a fork again well Eric said ha was going for it well he took off with ther throttle pinned pretty much crossing back and forth over the river and came to a stop he ran into a wall of willow's.We cut a bunch of tree's out of Eric's a arms's and out of his suspension and we shovled all the snow from around his sled and packed it under his track so his sled wouldn't freeze in the water.Well I think it was about 10am the next morning and we didn't see anyone or hear anyone coming out to get us well so we tried getting through on the phone again and it turned out as they though we ment not to send anyone out at all.They told us to stay put they where going to meet up at 12:30 and head out for us.So we buildt another fire to stay warm.The rescue team of 4 showed up on cross country ski's about 4:30pm and they had a kid about 15yr's old with them that was a rancher's kid and knew the area because he hunt's it.It turned out we where close to this ranchers land he owe's 5,500 acre's.Well they back packed in snow shoe's for us.None of us had snow shoed before.The time we got the shoe's on and where ready to head out it was just turning dark.We hiked out of there for 2hr's on snow shoe's and then we met the snow cat which is like a big 4 door truck on tracks and it has a enclode trailer type deal on the back with tracks.We rode in that for about 2 miles to the ranch.Where the recue guys had there truck's and cars parked.They gave us a ride to out truck and trailer and we went to the hotel showered up and went out to eat.When we got back to the hotel I crashed instantly.
I will post the sled recovery later.I know I left alot of stuff out but I t would take me all day to type everything.We did get stuck alot more on the way down and alot of terrain issues where left out hopefully srsrules add some's stuff and post pic's.
Maybe srxsrule will post some pics.
There was 4 of us
Eric Knutson/srxsrule-apex mtn
Me Ryan Skiba/pro116-vector with a 136x2" track
Greg-151" rmk 700
Jerry-144" switchbaxk 900
We Left Saturday Morning from the parking lot and after about 1 hr we found this canyon that you you couldn't see very far down inn it semed to be real open until we started down in.Once we started there was no turning back.The terrain was so tight with the tree's and steep buy looking at the topographical map it's one of the steepest grades around.We had to build ramps out of snow with our shovel's to get over dead tree's.There where some that where 6ft drops on the otherside of them and the grade was so steep you would go about 100ft before stopping unless you hit a tree in the process.I had a wide ski stance and there was area's where I couldn't go through I had to pop my sled up on one ski to fit through the tree's.We where going through this one part which was actually a river that was snow covered that we where able to drive through and there was a tree layind down across it about 36" wide that we drove underneath we stopped and took some pics.I stepped through with both feet and go a little wet then everyone took off and The front right of my sled fell through but the snow was so deep it was against my beely pan and hood allowing it not to go down any farther,so I dug out under the right side of my sled and dug a little under the side that gone through and I jumped on the right side of my running boards and puleed on the moutain strap and was able to hp the left side out and got going.We continued to cut small tree's out of are way on the way down.We got to one spot where all 4 us where stuck trying to turn around because we where ran into basically a wall of tree's and there was a big tree laying down.It took us about 1 hr to get all the sledzs unstuck and we tried going back where we came from we went about a 1,4 mile and there was a tree falling down across out track's.So se cut that out of our way but it was to steep and too many obsticales to go up hill.So we turned aroung and went back to wherer we where all stuck trying to turn around.We cut some stuff out of the way and buildt another ramp out of snow to get over the log.We made it about another 1/8th to 1/4 mile and we where weaving across the river which there was open spots now.We continued and we came to a fork in the little lamrie river we all stopped there was so many willows and small poplings.It was starting to get dark so we decided to set up camp.We bent a big tree over and tied the end to another tree with a rope we had so it looked like a big arch. The we cut alot of pine brancehes and laid them against the bent over tree to make a block against the wind which gave us about a 2 ft overhang over out heads.While we where buildiing this another guy that carries a siphon on his switchback 900 siphoned some gas out and started a fire.After we where done building our wall/lean too whatever you call it I a couple of us cut wood with our saws we had.While the other guy shoveled snow away from out wind barrier and laid down lot's of small pine branches so we could put the tarp that Eric carries along on top of them so we didn't have to sit on the wet ground.Well we all sat down for a while and we figured out the gps cordinance and two guy had cell phones which wouldn't really come in.Well we got in touch with 911 a couple times because we couldn't hold a call very long it would brake up and we would get a losses call.We finally got the the cordinance and told them not to sent any one out that night we had could make it through the night.Well I was wet and cold from going through the snow when we where untop of the river.So one guy had packed some extra long underwear.So I put them on and stood by the fire for about 2 1/ hrs while my pant's and snow pant's where drying over the fire on our homade closeline.Hopefull Rules dosen't post any pics of that,lol.We all had beef jerky and some snack's along and one guy had some dry soup in a bag we boiled some water from the creek in a hottdogger that one guy took off of his pipe.Well we didn't have any untinsels so we where taking turns dipping out hands in the bag of soup.The night was actually decent tempature high 20's.The wind woulkd pick up and dye back and forth.The sky was clear most of the night we did get snowed on for a while.Around light we decided to try to make it out of there by going down river it was are only cheance.We tried shovling as much snow in the river as possibale to make a snow bridge well it worked we all got across.We all made it alittle farther then we ran into a fork again well Eric said ha was going for it well he took off with ther throttle pinned pretty much crossing back and forth over the river and came to a stop he ran into a wall of willow's.We cut a bunch of tree's out of Eric's a arms's and out of his suspension and we shovled all the snow from around his sled and packed it under his track so his sled wouldn't freeze in the water.Well I think it was about 10am the next morning and we didn't see anyone or hear anyone coming out to get us well so we tried getting through on the phone again and it turned out as they though we ment not to send anyone out at all.They told us to stay put they where going to meet up at 12:30 and head out for us.So we buildt another fire to stay warm.The rescue team of 4 showed up on cross country ski's about 4:30pm and they had a kid about 15yr's old with them that was a rancher's kid and knew the area because he hunt's it.It turned out we where close to this ranchers land he owe's 5,500 acre's.Well they back packed in snow shoe's for us.None of us had snow shoed before.The time we got the shoe's on and where ready to head out it was just turning dark.We hiked out of there for 2hr's on snow shoe's and then we met the snow cat which is like a big 4 door truck on tracks and it has a enclode trailer type deal on the back with tracks.We rode in that for about 2 miles to the ranch.Where the recue guys had there truck's and cars parked.They gave us a ride to out truck and trailer and we went to the hotel showered up and went out to eat.When we got back to the hotel I crashed instantly.
I will post the sled recovery later.I know I left alot of stuff out but I t would take me all day to type everything.We did get stuck alot more on the way down and alot of terrain issues where left out hopefully srsrules add some's stuff and post pic's.
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Wow. thats all I have to say. Good to see everyone made it out okay.
I rode with the guys that didnt make it back just a few times. This is hear say, but sounds like they had a gide that took them in a non-motorized area. Sounds like everyone alive will be charged by the state.
The riders that got killed lived 15 miles from maxdlx and myself. Riding buddies of my cousin. If I hear anything further I will be sure to post.
I rode with the guys that didnt make it back just a few times. This is hear say, but sounds like they had a gide that took them in a non-motorized area. Sounds like everyone alive will be charged by the state.
The riders that got killed lived 15 miles from maxdlx and myself. Riding buddies of my cousin. If I hear anything further I will be sure to post.
Wow I type slow 3 people posted well I was typing,lol
Glad to hear you are okay, Ryan and Eric. What a scary event.
Sounds like it will be a good write up/story when it all comes out. There are always little tips and tricks to be learned. Glad to hear everything worked out good.
Active member
wow man, gotta say some recognition is in order - nice work keeping your cool and using your survival skills to keep warm and in good condition so you could get out.