engine stay


New member
Oct 12, 2005
Rochester NY
I want to install a yamaha engine stay in my Viper and heard they work good. I read some posts on here that also said people lost top spedd with them which i don't understand ,I want somemore input to see how well they work. Thanks
I put mine before last season. I really found the sled to have smoother low end and midrange. It was a tad faster overall. All it does is hold the engine down when you punch it so that the clutches stay in line which enables the machine to transfer the power to the track better. It was money well spent in my books.
Every sled should have one, if someone lost speed after installing it, that would be because they clutched their sled with the motor misaligned and had to align it correctly to install the stay, which would change their clutching.
Thanks guys for the help, I figured that installing one of these would have a positive effct and not a negative one.
Assuming you're talking about the Yamaha Torque Limiter, it's a worthwhile investment for any high-torque engine. Yamaha's kit is VERY high quality, and VERY solidly mounted, utilizing mounting holes and brackets that are already existing on the engine and bulkhead. Why Yamaha didn't just go the extra $40 and put them in at the factory is a mystery to me.

The Yamaha version is fairly easy to install, but does require removing the secondary clutch as well as the airbox and carb bank. Removing the primary clutch would make it really easy, but it's not necessary. Also note that you may very well need to loosen all four motor mounts (may require removing exhaust) because the engine has to be correctly aligned to get the thing in. In that regard, you may therefore need appropriate tools to align your clutches.
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the oem yamaha one is made for your sled. the bender and maxx perf are universal fit. the yamaha one fits into existing holes in your bulkhead, the maxx perf, bender require you to drill holes and perform the adjustment on the limiter. the yamaha one may require you to loosen the motor mounts to get it to fit, but once it is in place it aint going anywhere. either way it is a good idea to check the offset and center to center before and after installation of both. units. ski
I just put the Yamaha Torque Limiter in my Viper (no instructions - had excellent help from TY forums though). I was trying to first get the offset and center-to-center distance set with a Sled-Pro tool. That's a slick unit, but after getting the engine located perfectly, a little turn on one of the engine mounts and it would slip out of line again. So I put the Torque limiter on while the motor mounts were loose, then put the Sled-Pro on, and with the limiter on, the clutches were aligned perfectly and held rock steady while I tightened to engine mounts down. Very slick process.
