SRX 700 timing advance


New member
May 2, 2003
Waterford, Pa.
I wondered if anyone had advanced their timing on their SRX by cutting their mag key. I have mine all apart (2001 700) and figured it may be a nice little shot in the arm. (may also be running a Max perf BB kit w/cat piston setup). Thanks! :wink:
Do not advance the timing in any sled with the newer style digital ignition.
The 02 700 mm does have the newer style ignition. You might maybe be able ta advance the timing in that sled with out pipes but I really do not recommend it. I advanced the timing in my 00 700 sx-r(old style ignition) 2 degrees & tho it gained low & mid range it lost top speed. I personally would not mess with the timing. They run real well & are dead nutz bulletproof with out messing with the timing.
Well I do have triple pipes on my sled, if that makes any difference, bender recomended to me the 4 degree one to gain 5 HP top end, now im thinking twice about putting it in.
Turk, sounds like it was installed backwards, I was always told by retarding the timing you gain bottom end, advancing it gives you top end, I put it in my sled and made the rotating part move more clockwise so it will be more advanced right???? we will see how it works out for me.
