Spark plug messed up.


New member
Dec 9, 2005
the other day me and a couple friend went out riding all of saturday. and half way through the day i went to fuel up, (whenever i fuel up i check my oil and everything) so while i had the hood poped i figured i would make sure all my plug caps are on tight and one looked up higher than the other two. i pulled the cap off and the top of the plug is stuck into the cap, its a threaded peace. the funny thing though is that its running just as good as ever. how do i get this thing out and put it back on the plug. when i do get it out will it be ok to leave in or should i get a new plug. i run br9ecs plugs.


done it plenty of times. id get a new plug it came off cause of radleing and striped the treads. u gotta get pry it out with a long stinny screw driver to open the little box thing inside there. then try to close it up a little using a pair of pliers. u wanna get it out cause u never know when ur gonna fowel that plug in the trails and not be able to change it.
I like to run the solid tip plugs just for that reason. You should be able to buy them just about anywhere.
to get end out

to get plug top out of cap use a small sheet mental screw , screw into cap put end out. NOW use solid top spark plugs alway carry a screw in tool kit to help you buddies out
what should i run for solid tip plugs??? i have been running br9ecs... this is a very high quality plug, about 6 dollars a peace, what can i run with the same quality that has a solid tip?
Run the BR9ECS, just get the ones with the solid top. The solid top just doesn't unscrew like the one you have now.
When you buy BR9ECS plugs watch the stock number on the outside of the carton. You are looking for #4677, that is a BR9ECS that is gapped to .030 already and has a solid cap. Stock number 3570 is also gapped at .030 but is a screw on cap. They also have a BR9ECS plug with stock number 6669, that is gapped at .018 for Ski-Doo applications. Hope this helps. I run #4677 in my 01 SRX.
BR9EYA is an excellent plug ... 900 miles this year on the set i put in, in for a pre-season tune up and they are perfect shape.
That's happened to me. What I do is simply screw the top of the spark plug back into that threaded piece inside the cap, then pull the plug out of the cap and presto.

Do they make a solid top BR9ES? If so where can I find them? The only BR9ES's that I was able to find all had the screw on tops.. :o|

thanks for any help..
Yes they make br9es and br9ecs solid top plugs. Down here we can get them both at farm and fleet or fleet farm. Any ngk dealer should also be able to get them.
thank you yamaholic22.

farm & fleet it is. I always got mine from advanced auto, not anymore. no more messin' with plug wires trail side ;)!
