I have a 1997 sx 700 and was told that to improve air flow i should modify my airbox by drilling 3 holes in it. Any idea as to how big of hole and where it should be drilled, and do i have to consider any jetting.

VIP Member
I tried this on my 97 SX it greated a bogg and ended up tapeing over the holes,
I think it is intended for high altitude
I think it is intended for high altitude
Thanks for the advice. I really don't want to do anything to my sled unless it is a tried and proven. I have reliability now and don't want to give it up for power i won't notice. I already have a problem with fowling plugs like crazy when i am on a trail that makes me only use 1\4 throttle. I have to constantly snap the throttle to clear it out but i usually end up poping a plug and snaping the throttle really hurts fuel economy too. I hoped this would help me with this problem.

New member
there is a write-up on this in the tech pages
monkey man
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how is your choke hooked up try lengthing the cable if the sled is set up right it shouldn't fowl plugs out.it also could be pilot screws could be adjusted out to far or jetted to fat
Check your oil cable adjustment...do he 1/4 throttle shutdown and pull the plugs http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/jetting.htmher's a link... good luck...
Active member
snakebit, you got a bog because your low end got a little lean with the additional air flow from the added holes. you could have just turned out your fuel screws a little of if really needed...go up one size on the pilots and be just fine.
A K MtnViper
New member
yamnitz said:Thanks for the advice. I really don't want to do anything to my sled unless it is a tried and proven. I have reliability now and don't want to give it up for power i won't notice. I already have a problem with fowling plugs like crazy when i am on a trail that makes me only use 1\4 throttle. I have to constantly snap the throttle to clear it out but i usually end up popping a plug and snapping the throttle really hurts fuel economy too. I hoped this would help me with this problem.
If you are fouling on the trail with partial throttle try lowering your needles (raise the clip). Do a test run first at 1/4 throttle and see if it is too rich. also do a full throttle run and see how the plugs look. If it looks good at WOT but not at 1/4 to 1/2 throttle it is usually needles set to rich.
I have 3 - 1 1/2 holes in the top of my air box taped over. I only open them up in the late spring when its 35-45 degrees out and at 10,000 to 12,500 feet. Then it works as a quick solution to rich jetting.
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