Help 01 SRX Running Like Crap (Long)


New member
Dec 9, 2004
I do not know if anyone will have answers on this or if I need to bring it in.

I was riding this weekend on Friday and the sled seemed to run fine. I rode the sled Sat and when I went to hit the gas full throttle it would start to take off for a second and then almost die like it was not getting gas and then grab and go. Then at times when I would stop it would not even take off (Bogged) I had to keep fluttering the throttle until it grabbed.

It only seemed like it was doing this from a complete stop. When I was rolling say 30 + and cracked it, it was normal acceleration.

I did run through some puddles on the lakes and trails both Friday and Sat. Sat when I returned to camp I changed the plugs, filled the gas tank, added a bottle of dry gas and check the air filter on top of the air box and it was dry.

The other thing I changed before riding Friday was the silencer but it ran fine on Friday so I am kind of ruling that out.

Anyone have an idea what could be causing this? I first thought it was the warm weather but Sunday it was below zero and I had the same problem. Could it be the fuel filter

Of course it had to do it this weekend when I was trying to run my buddies 06 F7. I have never gotten so much smack in my life.
Does anyone have a detailed description of what I take off to check for water fuel bowls on the carbs and how I disconnect the Tor's feature? I do not know to much about working on the SRX trying to learn as I go.

When I would bring the tack to about 4K hold it there then give it full throttle. It would begin to take off fast and then die out for a brief moment then catch again and go like hell. I also stopped a couple times and when I went to take off at normal acceleration it would also do it but not everytime. Toward the end of the day on Sunday I stopped a couple times buried the throttle and it seemed to be fine.

Everytime I would bury the throttle from higher speeds it ran fine. I am confused

So every time I held the brake brought up the RPM's and then gunned it, it would begin to go then die and come back. When I would come to a stop and just hit the throttle normal it only do it occassionally.

Still sound like Tor's?
Might be a faulty crank seal?. If it bogs from about 3500-5000 rpm and then runs like hell, it can be a blown crank seal. Try spraying start gas behind your primary clutch and also near the flywheel seal, I dunno if you are possible to reach the mag side seal with the spray due to the pipe harness surrounding it but.. .

Just a little tip..
kimoaj said:
Might be a faulty crank seal?. If it bogs from about 3500-5000 rpm and then runs like hell, it can be a blown crank seal. Try spraying start gas behind your primary clutch and also near the flywheel seal, I dunno if you are possible to reach the mag side seal with the spray due to the pipe harness surrounding it but.. .

Just a little tip..

kimoaj... hey dude how's the sx coming??????
