worn out reeds????

Aug 7, 2003
Red Deer
:?: When do you know when and if you should change the reeds? Mine are 5 years old and have app 5000 kms on them. Staring with clean carbs, I found the small air ports in the carb inlet were plugged off again, just after a couple days of riding. It looks like there is a bit too much back wash into the airbox. When inspecting the reeds they are not chipped or look worn. The only thing I can notice is that they do not seal 100% onto the reed holder. Like the tension is no longer there.
Any ideas????
if the edges are still sharp you can try to turn them over for a better seal.
if that does not work buy new carbon tech's.
there is a spec on how close it has to be, but every time I've looked at mine, they have all sealed tight.
:D .............thanks for the info. I will probably buy the stockers. I have read many opinions on which ones work better or worse depending on the machine. Something that works on a 500 or a 700, doesn't mean it will work on a 600. Unless there is info out there that proves the aftermarket brands work better for my engine, I'd rather stick with something I know works.
