Need advice I messed up!


New member
May 13, 2005
Rochester, MN
Last night I was putting the finishing touches on my SRX after the deer accident and thought I would just top off the Oil in the case that we ever get snow, by accident I grabbed some 20w-40 oil and put a 1/4 cup or so in before I realized I had grabbed the wrong oil.

Should I drain it out or could I just fill it up and run it?

Thanks Bill D
used to run 10/30 in my yamaha motorcycle as injector oil back in the day - 2 stoke cost too much when you're 12.
I spoke to my dealer and he said to drain it, 1/4 cup would = rebuild. Going to be a pain in the butt but I guess no reason to take a chance.

Thanks Bill D
It shouldn't hurt any thing i've done that before too with no problem it just mixes with the 2 stroke oil, BUT...... if you can get her outa there try too.
woolyviper said:
used to run 10/30 in my yamaha motorcycle as injector oil back in the day - 2 stoke cost too much when you're 12.

When I was 12 and had no money for 2 stroke oil, I used ATF in my Suzuki TS 100!

Siphoning the oil won't work you. You will need a suction gun or vac kit that is used for bleeding brakes. If it were me I would just fill the oil tank up with 2 stroke oil and ride. 1/4 cup won't matter at all.
caravanman said:
When I was 12 and had no money for 2 stroke oil, I used ATF in my Suzuki TS 100!

Siphoning the oil won't work you. You will need a suction gun or vac kit that is used for bleeding brakes. If it were me I would just fill the oil tank up with 2 stroke oil and ride. 1/4 cup won't matter at all.

Siphoning the oil worked just fine for me this fall when I emptied the tank to change to synthetic. Used fuel line and the sled was in a heated garage so that may be why it worked. Used a coat hanger to get the line near the bottom(it wanted to curl up). Worked mint.
My dad used oil so cheap it just had the number 30 on it (30 wt 4 stroke engine oil). It was used in the 1972 Ski-doo 300 Olympique and 440 Nordic for the entire lives of the sleds and they lasted until 1987.
if you are going to siphon the tank try a turkey baster. 3 bucks at any grocery store. you can put a hose on the end of it to get down deep.
i assume youre refering to the the injection oil? remember that injection oil has added properties to make it flow at low temps. ever here your car rattle at low temps until warm? get it out of there!
1/4 cup = 2 ounces

full reservoir = 102 ounces

2 ounces = 2% of the total

I would bet you could burn 2% orange juice and it wouldn't matter.
woolyviper said:
1/4 cup = 2 ounces

full reservoir = 102 ounces

2 ounces = 2% of the total

I would bet you could burn 2% orange juice and it wouldn't matter.

Hmmmmmm.... That would give it a nice orange smell, and clean everything out at the same time. You may be on to something.
