98 srx warning codes


New member
Dec 30, 2005
i seem to be having a problem reading the warning codes on my sled. When i start up i get the normal 3 lights that flash that indicate engine tempature. But soon after that i get 7 lights in a row repeated over and over again. Can anyone help with this problem i don't understand what i've done wrong.

7 flashes means that there's a continuity problem with the pv servo motor(wire unhooked?) or a short in the servo motor.Check your connections where they run in front of the air box under the protector tab,I've had mine come unplugged probably because I didn't make sure the connectors snapped together one of the times I had them apart.Hope it's nothing serious.
thanks appreciate the help i'll take a look see cause i got the sled really haulin' now but that's my only issue left to deal with. i'll get back to ya let ya know what happened.
I have 2000 srx doing the same thing I found cables pulled out of valves fixed those but light still blinks endlessly,Pretty much had it,just gona ride till the track falls off :o|
